Where Are We Located?

Word of Life Baptist Church
1900 N. Bagley Street
Alpena, MI 49707

What Time Are Services?

9:00 AM – Adult Bible Fellowships, Youth Bible Fellowship(Jr. & Sr. High), and Kidville (Nursery – 5th grade). A list of classes, locations, and more information is available at the Welcome Center in the church foyer.  Kidville meets upstairs in their own area to the left of the sanctuary.  Adult and Youth Bible Fellowships meet in our lower level. 

10:15 AM – Coffee Fellowship:  Whether you are new to Word of Life or are a regular attender, we encourage everyone to come and enjoy a time of fellowship, coffee, and donuts in our Fellowship Hall on our lower level.

10:45 AM – Worship Service, Kidville(Nursery - Pre-K), KW2 (K-5th grade).  If you have young children, please give yourself a little extra time to register and/or check them in at Kidville (follow the hallway to the left of the sanctuary, or ask a greeter for assistance). More information below.

What Do I Wear?

At Word of Life, the attire tends to be fairly casual.  There's no need to dress up unless that is your personal style.  Basically, come as you are!  Our hope is that you come ready to worship God and engage His Word.

Where Do I Park?

As you enter from Bagley Street, feel free to park in either our upper lot (to the left) or lower lot (straight ahead).  If you area headed to one of our Adult Bible Fellowships or have teenagers, the lower lot might be more convenient for you, and there is an entrance on that level.  If you have young children to bring to Kidville or are just coming for morning worship, our upper lot may be the most convenient for you.  If you will be arriving after the start of our 10:45 service, only the main (upper level) doors will be open, as part of our efforts to keep everyone safe. 

Where Do I Go?

Like choosing where to park, the answer depends on where you are headed.  Just let any greeter know that you are visiting and they can help point you in the right direction. 

  • Main Entrance (Upper Level): Sanctuary, Welcome Center, Offices, Kidville (hallway to the left)
  • Heritage Center Entrance (Upper Level, to the left of Main Entrance): Kidville / Children’s ministries, Stairs to gym (lower level).
  • Fellowship Hall Entrance (Lower Level): Coffee Fellowship time, Adult and Youth Bible Fellowships, Various Other Ministries

What About Kids and Teenagers?

For the safety of the children we serve, we require background checks for everyone serving in our children’s and youth ministries.  We have policies and procedures in place to protect all who are involved, but especially the kids.  These policies and procedures apply equally to long-term members and first time guests, so please understand that we can’t make exceptions. 

Kidville - Nursery through Kindergarten – 9AM and 10:45AM

We have special opportunities for our youngest family members to learn and grow both at the 9:00 AM hour and the 10:45 AM service time on Sunday mornings.  Our infant and toddler nursery is open to children under 2 years of age.  We also offer age appropriate classes for children 2 to 5 years old that lay a foundation of faith though caring teachers, a Biblical focus, and crafts that help the kids take home what they learn.  

Kidville - Life Lessons at 9:00 AM for Grades 1-5

We offer Life Lessons classes for 1st through 5th grade children at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings.  Within these classes, we aim to incorporate Bible stories into your child's life in fun and creative ways.  Our goal is to come along side of you, the parent, to help your child see God's Word and truths as being relevant in their daily lives.

Kids Worship Too (KW2) at 10:45 for grades 1-5

We offer children entering 1st through 5th grade a unique opportunity to worship and learn during our 10:45 AM service on Sunday mornings.  After joining their parents in the sanctuary, families have the choice to dismiss their children from service to KW2, an interactive teaching time geared for younger hearts and minds.  Parents can pick their children up from KW2 in the Heritage Center Gymnasium (on the lower level) following the worship service. 

Youth Bible Fellowship (YBF) for Middle-School - Sr. High Youth (Sunday 9 AM)

Our YBF aims to allow both Middle and High School students the space to freely ask questions, share concerns, and learn to both understand and apply God’s Word in real and tangible ways. This class is discussion-based, prayer-focused, and fun!

Axis Student Ministries (Wednesday Nights at 6pm)

Axis Student Ministries (6th – 12th grades) meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 8:10 PM. A typical night involves fellowship and games, musical worship, and biblical teaching. Middle and High Schoolers join together for most of these activities but do have the opportunity to break away for separate small group discussions. Axis students are also invited to participate in several big events throughout the year, like bike and rafting adventures, mission trips, service opportunities, and both winter and summer retreats.

What Is the Story of Word of Life Baptist Church?

Our Legacy

The congregation of Word of Life Baptist Church has been a faithful witness within Alpena for over 130 years. Over the years, there are three things that stand out as our legacy.
We are dedicated to the written Word of God. We pray that our lives and our teaching overflow with the truth of the scriptures.
We value the next generation. We understand that children are a gift from God and that raising the next generation to follow the Lord is a sacred honor. Over the years, the fruit of our ministry to children is evident in families with three and even four generations who are a part of our church body.
We worship the Lord with songs of praise. While styles may have changed over the years, good quality, theologically sound, music has long been a part of our identity.

Our History

Founded in 1884 by mission minded German immigrants, we were once known as the German Baptist Church that met on 4th Avenue. As time passed the congregation grew and transitioned from German to English speaking. In 1956 we moved to a new building and became known as Ripley Boulevard Baptist Church. Many in Alpena still remember the distinctive green building and the thriving bus ministry which introduced many children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With the construction of our current facility, we sought a new name that communicated our values. In 1994 we became known as Word of Life Baptist Church, declaring our purpose to hold forth the life-giving message of Jesus Christ to our local community and to the world.

Our Future

It is our prayer that God continues to build His Kingdom through the people of Word of Life Baptist Church as we work towards our mission of making fully devoted and fully developed disciples of Jesus Christ.